
Lee Weil started fishing with her grandfather on Long Island ponds and piers when she was 4 years old, and began fly fishing in 1981. She learned to tie Muddler Minnows as her first flies, developing her skills with deer hair and applying it to many of her original patterns. She enjoys fishing both fresh and saltwater, and is particularly fond of Smallmouth bass.
Peter Dubno has 37 years of fly fishing experience. He has fished all across America’s freshwater from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. Taught by renown fly tier Val Antonucci, Peter is the inventor of the“Bubble Gum”, an attractor dry fly, which has caught trout in numerous river systems and varied conditions. As person who is well versed in Euro-Nymphing he has a good knowledge of weighted and un-weighted nymphs and how to tie and fish them.

Tom was a fly fisherman at the age of twelve and a self-taught fly tier at fifteen. Two years later, he was taken into the fold of the tiers of the Federation of Fly Fishers at their conclave in Roscoe, New York. Later on Tom went on to become the Warm Water Chairman for the Eastern Council, and later a Director.
In his capacity with the Federation, Tom ran conclaves, fund raisers, programs, and was asked to be a guest speaker. Tom was also the recipient of the 1999 Dr. James A. Henshall award: which is given for significant contribution to the enhancement and promotion of our warm water fisheries.
In his capacity with the Federation, Tom ran conclaves, fund raisers, programs, and was asked to be a guest speaker. Tom was also the recipient of the 1999 Dr. James A. Henshall award: which is given for significant contribution to the enhancement and promotion of our warm water fisheries.

Mark has been fly tying for over 30 years, part time commercially for the past 20 years. Mark has been tying patterns for all species, trout, salt(tropical & north east), steelhead and salmon. He is am certified FFF Casting Instructor. In addition to the above, I have been building bamboo
rods for the past 5 years and became a NYS licensed guide in 2015
rods for the past 5 years and became a NYS licensed guide in 2015

John Ruff is a fly tier and guide based in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. John learned how to tie flies from the late Fran Betters and continues to tie these classic Adirondack trout patterns, including Fran’s Haystack, Ausable Wulff, and Usual. In addition to these patterns John also ties new Adirondack classics like the Sirloin and Ausable Ugly, classic streamers, and his own patterns. The flies John ties are also the flies he uses fishing and guiding.
Ron Hoff started tying saltwater teasers for his own use at the age of 15. He retired after 40 years as a stock broker and started tying commercially in 2010. He ties Ez-Body Sand Eels, Deceivers, Clouser Minnows and Striper Candy sand eels, and Albie flies. He has been fishing since he was 11 and has been a member of the High Hill Striper Club since 1993 to present. He served as Treasurer, V.P. and President and is presently serving on the board. He is active in conservation and beach access. He is responsible for getting Nickerson Beach, in Lido Beach opened for fishing.
LARRY GENTILE A relative newcomer to the art, Larry began tying flies in 2015...a year later he began fishing. This reverse progression led to a creative approach to tying and designing unique and offbeat fly patterns. While mostly self-taught, Larry credits the fine tuning of his technique to mentoring by Paul McCain and Safet Nicosevic. Most days find Larry tailing, counter-wrapping, palmering and whip-finishing at his West Islip home or in his cabin near the Esopus Creek in The Catskills
Barry started tying flies in the 1980’s. He has used his ties to catch Brook, Brown, Rainbow and Cutthroat trout, sea run trout, most warm water species , Landlocked salmon, shad, Lake Trout, Atlantic and Pacific Salmon, Steelhead, Striped Bass, Bluefish, Weakfish and in Florida waters…Snook, Tarpon, Sea Trout and Redfish.
He began his fly fishing while living on Long Island and continued it in the Catskills and Adirondacks and has traveled to Alaska, Canada, Mexico and the western US to wet a fly. While living and fishing in the Adirondacks he realized how big fish just loved to eat little fish and has been tying his own designed baitfish look-alike streamers ever since. His unique and popular Wounded Smelt Streamers, Fingerling Series and Saltwater Taffy streamers are now sold through a small network of lodges and shops from New Brunswick, Canada down to Florida. |
Don Avondolio
As a previous resident of Long Island, for 36 straight years, Don"s passion for the sport of saltwater fly fishing has only grown exponentially. Active fly fishing from his boat, or at local beaches, such as north or south shore areas, Peconic Bay, Montauk, North Fork & Shelter Island, were common occurrences. Since 1957, his lectures at Evening Adult Education classes, several L.I. Sport Fishing Expos, and at fishing clubs was one of his extra curriculum activities. Subject courses were Saltwater Fly Fishing, Fly Tying, and Fly Casting. A home “Instruction Course” was developed up to 1999 when he left Long Island. Don relocated to Delaware in 1999. From experiences gained as past President of the “Salty Flyrodders of N.Y”, Don founded the first SW Delaware Fly Fishing Club.
In addition to “Classical” old patterns, e.g. Clousers and Deceivers, Don has developed his own patterns. A Motion Fly, Enticer, Elver Eel, Virtual Sand Eel, Hard Shell Crab and Squid pattern recipes and others, have been published in a variety of fly fishing Periodicals. |